This week's parsha contains a strange 5 word Roshei Teivos that should spell out Hashem's four letter שם הויה in perfect sequence except for one letter which is repeated.
When Pharaoh made his startling viduy after Barad, he said "י' הצדיק ואני ועמי הרשעים" - an impressive confession indeed. It must have drawn out some powerfully good roots deep within Pharaoh to be expressed in the acronym of Hashem's name. But it didn't actually make the cut. Hashem's name is "interrupted" with an extra letter! Strangely enough, the letter actually, IS part of Hashem's name and IS actually in order! It's just extra!
I would like to suggest, that it was Pharaoh's own pride, his Ga'avah, that ruined his viduy and blocked Hashem's name from being properly expressed in the acronym. He could have just said ועמי, including himself in the guilt of his people, or he could have just humbly said ואני, taking all the guilt for himself. But by splitting himself from his people, it fractured his viduy and the resultant name of Hashem. Not only that, but now that he did split himself from his people, there may be another subtle meaning to his words. "י' הצדיק ואני - Hashem is righteous and myself as well! ועמי הרשעים - And my nation, -they- are wicked!