
Sunday, January 26, 2025



At the end of the parsha after the ברד elicited a viduy from Pharoah along with him begging Moshe to pray for its end, Moshe tells Pharoah you have yet to fear Hashem. But then the parsha seems to rehash what took place during the makkah itself. והפשתה והשעורה נכתה....והחטה והכסמת לא נכו  - The flax and barley were smitten… The wheat and spelt were not… This seems very out of place describing more details of the makkah after it has already been discussed and especially after moving on to Pharaoh and Mosh's exchange!

The Malbim explains that these details were actually part of Moshe's response to Pharoah. He wasn't just souring the mood by telling everyone, "Hey, things could still get worse!" 

After Pharaoh confessed and beseeched Moshe to pray for him, Moshe made it clear that now is not the time for throwing up your hands in despair. Don't think all is over and there isn't any worse to worry about. Hashem's goal was not for Pharoah to break under pressure and release the Jews. The goal was for PHAROAH to reach a level of Yiras Hashem and send the Jews out of recognition and respect for The King of the world. Hashem WILL fulfil His goals. And so Moshe was telling Pharoah, Hashem purposefully set up Barad to destroy what it did, and to specifically leave over some greenery - for another level of fear inducing lessons to come. ידעתי כי טרם תיראון - I know that you are YET to fear Hashem. Now you are just giving into pressure and saying viduy and begging, but there are more lessons to come. 

We like to keep an optimistic view of things and it is especially helpful for encouragement. But sometimes we must also be aware - Hashem hash His goals for us. For our growth, teshuvah, improvement in many different ways. We need to keep in mind, things could get worse. Chas V'Shalom, if we don't nudge ourselves in that direction, Hashem's goals will get us there one way or another.

So if we know we are lacking in a middah, falling short of our potential, tripping into a sin that we could avoid, we need to be careful not to throw up our hands and accept that this is the situation. "This is just who I am". "I know I'm flawed but it won't change." "You can't teach an old dog…" Hashem will get us where He wants us to be. We have to get used to this wonderful word that Moshe used; YET. Keep the potential open. Nudge yourself in the right direction. We have YET to reach tremendous achievements in our growth and we hope to get there as soon as possible. We just aren't there YET.