
Monday, November 25, 2024



In the beginning of the parsha we learn of Sarah's death caused by the unfiltered words of the Akeida's news bearer and his awful choice of words caused her death.

R' Yeruchom Levovitz sees this as a very important warning about the potency of one's words. Instead of starting off by saying "I have good news, your son is alive. Now let me tell you what almost happened", for the simple, selfish sake of adding drama to a story a person may sadden, and even shock his listener to death.


Eliezer was the Shadchan and we know שקר דובר כסף נוטל. This acronym is not meant to jab shadchanim, rather it is in recognition of their outstanding efforts. The shadchan would love to be totally truthful and it is difficult and unpleasant for them to have to lie. But lie they must. This is actually the whole purpose of a shadchan! To diplomatically make necessary adjustments when the absolute truth would be too much for the other side to initially bear. When Eliezer repeats the story to Lavan he says that when he asked for a drink, Rivkah verbally offered him and his camels as well. This actually was not the case. Only after he finished drinking did she then offer for the cmels. R' Chaim Kanievsky explains that this was adjustmnet from the truth was done smartly by Eliezer, to express such an instinctive level of extreme chessed that Rivkah would immediately offer the camels as well, would be something her family would abhor. - And they would be happy to rid themselves of this goody goody child of theirs!

Perhaps this is why Avraham did not himself go to his own family to arrange the shidduch. If he were to go personally, his other-wordly goodness would turn them off! Similarly, when Rivkah, the ultimate balas chessed first saw Yitzchok it startled her in contrast to her chessed!


A shidduch needs a middleman to buffer bold differences and to polish rough edges. That is how shidduchim work.

Chazal teach us that man was created with two barriers on his mouth, his teeth and his lips, to restrain and block from certain types of speech. We may add that here we see another additional layer of protection. Use another filter! A middleman, an editor, another opinion to check the nuances of your language in specially sensitive matters.

החיים והמות ביד הלשון