את האלוקים התהלך נח - Noach as reactive. He followed his directives. In general perhaps we can understand that his nature was based on Middas Hadin - with finite demands and goals. Those expectations are what guided him. Nature as well can demand of us. (אלוקים has the numerical value of הטבע )We have a halacha that from the 15th of Av we are to add to our evenings' learning because the nights begin to get longer. Practically speaking, nowadays, with lights, and standard clocks, we barely notice the new expectations that nature calls upon us until just now as we change the clock. But I'd like to suggest that perhaps the one critique Noach got in the Teivah was from the lion. The very first line in shulchan aruch is a lesson we are supposed to learn from the lion. The gevurah we are to learn from the lion is not that of muscle, but in our character to overcome nature. The language of the mechaber is is to be like a lion and שיהא הוא מעורר השחר. That we should "awaken the morning". This does not specifically refer to a time to wake up, but to take the initiative and rise not just as a result of the sunshine and the day's demands screaming "get up already"! We should take the lesson from Noach and add at least a bit to our learning already tonight - BEFORE the change of the clock!