
Saturday, November 9, 2024

LECH L'CHA Holy Letters and Holy People


We find the power of the not so simple letters of the Aleph Beis with Hashem adding a ה  to Avram's name thus enabling him to have children and also editing Sarai's name to allow her as well to bear a child.

The Yalkut Shemoni in the beginning of the parsha states a tradition that we have regarding the 5 double letters; .מנצפך  They are all associated with geulah, a redemption of sorts. Avraham was saved drom Ur Kasdim with the double כ  of . לך לך . Yitzchok was saved from the Philistines with the double מ   of ממנו מאוד. Yaakov was saved from Eisav with the double נ'  of הצילני נא.  And from Egypt we were redeemed with the double פ  of פקוד יפקוד.

What remains is the final redemption of Moshiach represented by the double צ   of צמח....יצמח.

I would like to suggest perhaps a pathway for us to set that in motion. The Torah also has a double צ  in consecutive Roshei Teivos. צדק צדק ירדוף. Perhaps if we can find and chase צדק  all around us by applying בצדק תשפוט עמיתיך, always seeing 'every yid's a big tzaddik' it would ignite the double צ   above as well and bring the final redemption in hastily in our days.