
Saturday, November 30, 2024

Toldos - Matamim

 Toldos - Matamim

It seems beneath the self-respect of Yitzchok to ask for מטעמים . And as embarrassing as it seems, the Torah continues to describe numerous times the preparations of the מטעמים which he "loved". I heard from a dear friend of mine, that perhaps this was an expression of care for Eisav's "profession". But Rivkah also describes them as such and the Torah as well describes them objectively as מטעמים  that Yitchok wanted.

Perhaps we can explain that although it is a bit unpleasant to stress the material pleasures that one enjoys, for Chinuch purposes it is important to make it known that Tzaddikim are truly enriched אשריך בעולם הזה וטוב לך בעולם הבאי . Not that a Tzaddik pursues these pleasures, but when they do present themselves, they are truly enjoyed on multiple levels; as the simple pleasure that it is and the deep appreciation that it is a personal gift from the Creator. A Rasha, in his negative mindset will misconstrue even the most sublime pleasures; the Pesach seder with Matzoh, meat, wine, reclining, and all, as מה העבודה הזאת לכם . But we should not hide the tremendous pleasures we experience in this world, to show אשריך בעולם הזה . This explains the battle Rashi describes within the womb of Rivkah over the possession of the two worlds. It seems strange that there should be a fight. Eisav wants Olam Hazeh, and Yakov is getting Olam Haba'ah! But truthfully Yakov is really taking the lion's share of BOTH. The life of Torah grants not only Olam Habah but Olam Hazeh as well. This was something Eisav could not accept. - And it is something incumbent upon us to show the world. We have it all.